How To Get Your Kids To Listen WITHOUT Yelling, Bribing or Punishing


1- Scroll down and complete the worksheet. Yes, I want you to actually write the answers down. When we learn something new, in order to commit it to memory, we have to do more than see it or hear it once. Writing our takeaways and our questions helps reinforce what was learned.

2- Take the quiz


In this video, I am explaining my basic secrets to get your kids to listen and follow directions without yelling, bribing or punishing. More importantly, I am introducing some REALLY important concepts that I need you to understand in order to be successful as I am coaching you. 

1- Two choices tool™

2- Fair communication script™

3- 6 C's of consequences™

4- Positive cup and negative cup 


If you skip this, you are skipping critical concepts, some of which are not covered in other videos here. DO NOT SKIP otherwise you will be left with holes in your foundation.

Who can skip this?

Parents who are only here for sleep training kids under 2. This won't apply to you.

Complete and Continue